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Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week and this year the focus was on moving more for your mental health. Exercise not only keeps you physically fit and healthy, but it also releases “feel good” hormones that improve your mental health.

At Bosworth Independent School we understand that our students and staff are only able to thrive when they feel good. We arrange different activities during Mental Health Awareness Week to show our support and promote positive mental health in our school.

Mindfulness Meditations

Our Guidance Counsellor invited GCSE students to join her for a guided mindfulness meditation session during lunch. Mindfulness meditation encourages individuals to focus on the present and live in the current moment rather than letting past and present worries weigh them down. It can help people reduce negative feelings and manage their stress.

Move For Your Mental Health

The Diversity and Wellbeing Club held lunchtime events on Tuesday and Wednesday where they encouraged other students to get active through a fun series of mini games such as skipping, hula hooping, bubble blowing and more.

The purpose of this event was to highlight how movement (of any kind) is important for our mental health. We also suggested that students attend a weekly ‘Park Run’ and wear an item of green to mark the occasion, along with House Parents offering fun activities and games to further spread the message. Bosworth Independent School have also circulated a student survey on mental health and wellbeing so we can gain more student voice on this issue. We will continue to offer support, safe spaces and smiles to one another during this busy time of year.
Mrs Coverdale, Assistant Head Pastoral Care and Personal Development

Mental Health Awareness Week was positive and impactful occasion that certainly got everyone at Bosworth Independent School moving more for their mental health.