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School Policies

Providing academic programmes for ages 11-18, Bosworth ensures a customised timetable is in place for each and every student.

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Additional Policies

Should parents or prospective parents wish to receive a copy of any of our policies, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Principal – Tanya Radomilovic: headmaster@bosworthschool.co.uk

School Policies

Accessibility Audit and Plan

Admissions Policy & Procedures

Anti-bullying and Cyber-bullying Policy

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Assessment, Target Setting, Reporting and Homework Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Boarding Principles and Practice

Complaints Policy

Crisis Management Policy

Curriculum Policy

Educational Trips and Visits Policy

English as a Foreign Language Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy 


Fire Management Policy

First Aid Policy

H&S Policy

Health and Medication Policy

Marking and feedback Policy

Missing Students and Students Missing Education Policy

Online Safety

Positive Handling Policy

Provision for Students with Particular Religious, Dietary, Language or Cultural Needs

Relationships and Health Education Policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Risk Assessment Policy

RSE Policy

Safeguarding Leaflet

Safeguarding Policy

SEND Policy

Supervision of Students Policy

Uniform Policy


Refunds and Cancellations

Under UK consumer law you have the right to change your mind within 14 days of your original enrolment (the “cooling off period”), starting from the date on which your deposit to reserve your place is paid. In this event, all fees will be returned to you. You must make a clear statement of cancellation to us in writing or by clicking on the link below and completing the cancellation form.

If the Student has started the course and/or started occupying the accommodation, we will be entitled to deduct a reasonable sum to take account of time student has spent in the accommodation and/or studying the course.

Cancellation Form

Refund Policy

Bosworth values

Nurture and educate every student in our community whatever his or her ability, culture, ethnicity or social background.


We seek to encourage each student to grow in confidence and to cultivate a life-long curiosity for the world around us.


Communicate with enthusiasm, collaborate and contribute to our community with commitment and creativity.


We aim to promote academic excellence tempered by care and concern for those around us.